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sSSsSSss wholeheartedly invites you back into the palace and gardens of WHORETENSIAGA. We welcome all Dandelions in concrete, Whoretensias and c*nty Hyasynth lovers for a new radical laboratory of queer nightlife practices.

sSSsSSss | 9th of November 2024 | Radical Queer Party | WHORETENSIAGA | Ruigoord Palace&Gardens | 22:00 – 08:00 |

We have discount tickets for those who have little access to financial recourses, please reach out to

Christal Empire
DJ Pheremone
Tamacoochies (Resident sSSsSSss)
DJ Shahmaran

Pretty Poison cabaret

Peter Scherrebeck and Karina Villavan will bring their Pretty Poison Crew (TBA), to the gardens of Whoretensiaga.

sSSsSSss is a laboratory of radical expression, for and by artists. Where various concepts of queer (wide interpretation) nightlife and ephemeral art are being inserted into one space, in one night, to spark and harvest new gazes, embrace chaos, and be washed by an overwhelming wave of decentralized information.

sSSsSSss wishes for you to be you, or being someone else or multiple people for a night, to make you stronger, more self-confident c*nts because you are the decoration of our palace. We want this evening to be a celebration, where there is zero tolerance for racism, transphobia, queerphobia, sexism and ageism. We want to give space to Queers, BIPOC and FLINTA people to flaunt themselves freely. Every-body is welcome.

Every edition we invite a new artist to work on a poster and logo. This editions artwork is done by Sasha Sür
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