Connecting with the ancestral winds
- Boventoon- en keelzang workshop
- German Popov – Multi-instrumentalist, componist en onderzoeker die zich toelegt op het herverbinden met de archetypes van de moderniteit.
- Danibal – Mondharpvirtuoos en klankkunstenaar
- Hidden en Frodi – Eeuwenoude zangvorm genaamd khöömei (ook wel tuvaanse keelzang) en spelen met traditionele instrumenten een uitgebreid repertoire aan tuvaanse liedjes.
- Gezamenlijke (zang)afsluiting
Over de uitgestrekte vlaktes van Centraal-Azië waait de eeuwige wind. Hij raast onvermoeibaar voort, maar wie goed luistert, hoort de fluistering van voorouders—melodieën van boventonen die door de eeuwen heen reizen. In een uniek participatief programma trek je door dit muzikale landschap. Gezamenlijk ontwaken we de wind van de steppe in onszelf. In een kakofonie van boventonen en oerklanken herontdek je de vrijheid van de steppe, de standvastigheid van de bergen en de diepe rust van de taiga. Bijzondere muzikanten brengen de ziel van de steppe nog dichter bij met een mening van traditionele en moderne muziek uit Kazachstan, Tuva en Siberië. Laat je meevoeren en ervaar de klanken van een tijdloos landschap.
German Popov
German Popov is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, and researcher dedicated to reconnecting with the archetypes of modernity. Under his stage name OMFO, he gained international recognition for blending traditional and contemporary sounds. His work integrates ethnographic and anthropological research, particularly focusing on Central Asian musical traditions. Through his vast collection of instruments from Central Asia, he explores the intersection of ancient art forms and modern technology. Balancing personal expression with cultural authenticity, he navigates the complexities of globalization while opposing both rigid empiricism and superficial appropriation.
Mouth harp virtuoso and sound artist. Danibal’s love for the mouth harp ignited when he was introduced to Tuvan throat singing in 1999. He has since become a specialist on this prehistoric synthesiser. His suitcase is filled with mouth harps from all over the world. As a singer, he explores the human voice: throat singing, sound poetry, yodelling and a touch of human beatbox. Using live loops, Danibal creates a world of sounds all his own: rhythmic, funny, then again like an incantatory shaman. His performance was once aptly described as electronic dada-folk.
Frodi Fransman & Hidde Meenhorst
Hidde and Frodi found each other in their shared passion for Tuvan music. They both practise the ancient singing form called khöömei (also called Tuvan throat singing) and play an extensive repertoire of Tuvan songs with traditional instruments. Hidde has now manufactured several of these instruments himself and also accompanies himself with them during the performance. Frodi received an official award at an online Tuvan throat singing festival in 2020 and travelled to Mongolia in 2024 for a musical and spiritual deepening of this art. With their performance, they bring to life the sounds and stories of Tuva. Driven by their love for this unique musical tradition , they enjoy sharing it with a wider audience.
Feel ❤️ welcome!