Vurige Tongen – The Anniversary edition

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There are Vurige Tongen (Fiery Tongues) on their way. Together with you and about 400 art performers, we will create a prophetic and poetic reality where we can celebrate life.

“Those who do not see beauty on Earth will not find it in the afterlife.”

It will be a mega awesome happening.

We also celebrate the 50th anniversary of Ruigoord as a cultural sanctuary with these Fiery Tongues. Our like-minded people from the past half century are coming from all corners of the world to this jubilee.

Music, words, and dance from Suriname, Kurdistan, Morocco, Tibet, America, New Zealand, Africa, and the Dutch analogue avant-garde, from different districts of Amsterdam and the entire country.

Storytellers and philosophers around the campfire, ceremonies with singing.

Theater students in free flight, playshops for children, and organized walks to special spots on this island.

In short, too much to mention, Homo Ludens in full bloom, on to Homo Florens.

Follow Vurige Tongen (Fiery Tongues) on Instagram too! @vurige.tongen

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