Leven met de klimaatcrisis!
In the gnome house opposite the church in Ruigoord, you can visit the Klimaatcafé (Climate café) every first Saturday of the month. This is also where the four-day workshop Leven met de klimaatcrisis! (Living with the climate crisis!) is organised. In this workshop, we collectively ask ourselves how we can respond to the climate and ecological crisis, both individually and collectively. This workshop series serves as a platform to share, reflect and develop practical tools, ideas and skills.
The programme consists of three modules. Samenkomen (Coming together): processing climate grief and anxiety, and finding the strength to bear it collectively. Communicatie (Communication): how to engage in conversation, both with friends and family and in public debate. Het ecosysteem van verandering (The ecosystem of change): an in-depth analysis of the systems we are part of and how to transform them sustainably.
The focus is on our shared humanity, interdependence, the need for a collective response, and the need to find direction amid the overwhelming range of options for action.
Het Klimaatcafé
The Klimaatcafé is an initiative by artist and climate coach Vera Hoveling, lawyer Carolijn Terwindt and MC Alfredex.
The workshop series will take place four times.
Dates: 7 July, 1 September, 29 September and 27 October.
For more information on the programme and the registration form, please visit the website: www.levenmetdeklimaatcrisis.org