Geartsje van der Zee – scenography

Geartsje van der Zee is a scenographer who focuses on the design of theatrical spaces and objects for experiences and site-specific theatre. Characteristic of her work is that the spaces often invite a specific physical experience and participation of the audience. For example, she currently is working on the set of the performance ‘Bloos’, in which the audience is asked to take a seat in a tub containing a mould for the body, which influences hormone production and the balance organ, among other things. With her work, she aims to be with the audience and to awaken their sensibility, inviting them to open their senses even more.

What does it mean to you to have a studio at Ruigoord? And for your work?

‘At Ruigoord, it is very pleasant to work on the design and realisation of decors. There’s a lot of knowledge and experience of different generations, of diverse artists and designers, which is automatically shared because of the social interconnectedness that runs through all the paths of the village.’